
Where are you these days?
I’m at a Tennis-gymnasium in Gothenburg, Sweden. It’s a school with lots of sports combined with studies as well as training before and after school. I have been really enjoying it so far!

What was it like to make the transition from ISB into a new environment?
For me it has been very different: it’s a new culture and a new adventure – but very exciting. I’m living alone, I’m in a Swedish school in a new country. There has been a lot of ups and downs, but overall it’s a great adventure to be on.

What part of the transition have you found the most challenging?
The most challenging part has been adapting to a new environment. Moving to a new country is a big step. And there is the language barrier! I’m so used to studying in English, so, it’s been a little bit of extra work getting used to all the Swedish.

What did you carry with you from ISB that’s been the most valuable?
For me, I would say my open-mindedness. ISB is great at preparing the individual not only for school but for the real world, and I learned how to work effectively, how to stay concentrated and to get work done. So, I feel that ISB has given me the ability to work effectively and efficiently with the time that’s been given as well as to enjoy the process and take it step by step.

What do you miss the most from ISB?
I miss my connection with teachers and friends, but I also miss the culture and diversity at ISB. I love the way that people from across the world are in the same class, and that is something I have realized is a big difference from where I am now. Now, I’m in a class where everybody is Swedish and although I’m Swedish too, I do not feel like I have the same connection that everyone else has because I’m so used to having friends from Greece and Scotland, and that are half South Korean and Danish or from Czech Republic, so I love the variety that ISB gives you.

Now that you’ve been out in the “real” world for a while, how has your view of ISB changed?
I definitely think that I have taken things for granted. Looking back, ISB was a fantastic experience. It’s given me a different perspective on life, and I think more outside the box.
ISB had focus on the ATL skills and to learn about how to help others through Service as Action. I feel like ISB has given me a lot more than just lessons.

How has your thinking about your own future changed since this time last year?
My goal of course was to attend my current school and I’m extremely proud about that and happy to be here. I would love to follow my passion, so that is something I feel like has changed a little bit, that I follow my passion and do what I love to do.

What advice do you have for the current M5s?
To keep working hard and enjoy the process and do not take anything for granted. Your time at ISB is special and limited so make the most out of it.

What do you plan on doing next?
I plan on following my passion, doing what I love doing, what I think is fun and keep chasing my dreams.

Any messages for your old school?
I would love to say a huge thank you to all the teachers and the school. You have made the whole 8 years – I think it was 8 years! – extremely special for me, and for especially leading me on to the right path and for the person that I have become today. I want to thank for all the time the teachers invested in us students and in creating a genuine connection. I could not have been happier than to be at a school like ISB: You have done an amazing job, and I can’t wait to see you guys soon.