Primary School
About 200 children, ages 6 to 11, in grades P1-P5. There are two classes per grade level, with around 20 students and two teachers per class.
The defining element of the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) is the unit of inquiry: a thematic umbrella bringing together a wide variety of subjects. See our Programme of Inquiry, below.
The school day for Primary runs from 8:00-14:00, with an optional Breakfast Club from 7:00-8:00 and After School Club from 14:00-17:00 (16:00 on Fridays).
Lower Primary (P1-P3) and Upper Primary (P4-P5) are located in different areas of the school, but the arrangement of classrooms surrounding a large and flexible common area is the same.
Specific class schedules and an overview of the Programme of Inquiry can be found below. For additional ISB policies, please see Policies.
PYP Programme of Inquiry overview
as well as PYP Home Learning Guidelines and an overview of the P5-M1 transition.
Transition from Primary to Middle School
At ISB, we understand that the transition from P5 to M1 is a very exciting and sometimes challenging time for parents and guardians as much as it is for students. Rest assured, we are working hard to make this as smooth and enjoyable as possible.
We are continually reflecting and developing our transition programme to improve the experience for all concerned and focus on the needs of our students, parents, guardians and teachers.
With this in mind, we would like to share with you a brief overview of the P5 – M1 transition timeline to help you understand the process.
We very much look forward to our continued partnership and supporting our students.
Click on the image to the left to see transition timeline.
Our experiences
Our experiences of transition from P5 to M1, has enabled us to craft a supportive and reassuring transition programme. Transition is a unique experience for each individual and family and it’s natural to have concerns and questions.
Click on “Progression from PYP to MYP” to the right to get a greater insight into the process and how we support you and our young people to make this as smooth and comfortable as possible.