
Where are you these days?
Currently I am at a boarding school called Ølgod Efterskole. It’s a very adventures school which suits me because I’m in the adventure club/linjefag.

What was it like to make the transition from ISB into a new environment?
I found myself a bit shy and over-alerted on if I would fit in, if I was doing something wrong or if it was ok for me to be there. This all went away in day 1 because the other students and teachers are supportive but realistic at the same time, so the transition felt more as if i was just changing what language I speak which allowed me to settle in a lot better.

What did you carry with you from ISB that’s been the most valuable?
Mostly knowledge, that’s why I was at ISB right? To be smart? But seriously being able to adapt to different situations and collaborate with others has been very valuable skills.

What do you plan on doing next year?
I will be going to a gymnasium however I’m still deciding on what education I want, but I am interested in EUX because of a program that collaborates with the LEGO company.

What advice do you have for the current M5’s?
I would personally tell them to study intensely and the best they can for the exams but to keep in mind that this is just the beginning of a very long race.

What do you miss the most from ISB?
I miss that everyone spoke English, jajaja (Spanish laugh). No, but I do miss my old teachers and classmates.