
Magnus recently traveled to Japan with his new school.
Where are you these days?
I’m in an efterskole all the way up next to Aalborg: Ranum Efterskole College. I was attracted by all the activity subjects they had. You can learn things like adventure rowing, diving, climbing, mountaineering and all that kind of stuff. After M5, I wanted a break and thought I would take a relaxing year at efterskole. That changed though. I ended up taking another international line and then doing A* level.
What was it like to make the transition into a new environment?
It was quite weird. It’s still international, and all my lessons are still in English. But there are no computers, and everything is written. I remember writing 5-6 pages for my English exam. I got a blister on my hand from writing so much!
What did you carry with you from ISB that has been the most valuable so far?
Probably the way I make friends. I remember the first time I came to ISB—everyone just had this faelleskab (community). We were really close very quickly, and it became a very strong bond at ISB. I think it really helped me with socializing and stuff.
Now that you’ve been out in the “real” world, how has your view of ISB changed?
Learning through play is a really cool thing. I think it really helps students to relax, all those times that we made Mindstorms robots, and working in the Creator Space…that was so nice and a short break from the typical classroom thing. My new school is a lot of sitting in the class and doing book work.
You describe learning through play as “a break”…
Honestly, I learn a lot by sitting with a book and being focused, but it differs from person to person. Mindstorms definitely opened up a whole world of programming for me. And it also added to this feeling of being a faelleskab when you could play in lessons and bond with your teachers.
What advice do you have for the current M5s?
Don’t stress, stop procrastinating. The workload gets significantly smaller when you don’t put it to the last minute! Enjoy your last year at ISB. You’ll do fine on your personal project, I believe in you!